Monday, May 3, 2021

257. Þröstur Leó Gunnarsson & Hjálmar Hjálmarsson in The Last Fishing Trip (2020)

*First of all I'd like to thank you for the 1.000.000 views! *

One of the best daddie's nudity. In my opinion only Welcome to The Men's Group was better. Many great frontals in this film. More scenes coming soon!

 Þröstur Leó Gunnarsson
Age: 59

Hjálmar Hjálmarsson 
Age: 57

Saturday, March 20, 2021

247. Jerome Kircher in Rio Sex Comedy (2010) [2]

 Age: 46

This sex scene looks so realistic. You can see his bouncing balls first, and then - a hard (?) penis! Or maybe it was just glued to the stomach?

Another scene of him from the same movie:

246. Bernardus Manders in Ein starkes Team: Abgetaucht (2020)

Age: 58

The scene is dynamic, so we can't see much, but at the end there's a nice view of the penis.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

245. Hans Dagelet nude photoshoot

 Age: 59

He took part in a project about male nudity and was the only one who did full frontal! 

Sunday, March 14, 2021

244. Rob Roy Fitzgerald in Act Naturally (2011)

 Age: 56

He played a nudist and tried to hide his dick, but he showed everything by accident.

243. Adam Nawojczyk in (A)pollonia (2014)

 Age: 45

Stage nudity in Polish theater. I don't like the paint on his penis, but the close-up is fantastic! Currently this man is a professor at the drama school.